Check Your Name in FBR SIM Block List Check Online in 2024.

Pakistan FBR SIM Block List Check Online:

The Federal Board of Revenue of Pakistan (FBR) has issued a list comprising the names of 506,671 individuals, which has been made publicly available. This list includes individuals whose mobile SIMs are to be disconnected. The FBR has directed the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and all relevant telecommunications authorities to ensure the inclusion of these individuals by May 15th.

The reason behind this action is that these 506,671 individuals are not included in the FBR’s Active Taxpayer List (ATL) due to their failure to file their income tax returns for the year 2023. Therefore, it is advisable to promptly check whether your name or identity card number is included in this list. If your name is on the list, it implies that you must file your tax return immediately to be included in the ATL.

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To check the FBR SIM Block List online, simply search for “FBR SIM Block List Check Online” in your browser. You will find a link to the list on the FBR’s website. Click on the provided link to download the complete list of 506,671 individuals.

Alternatively, you can click the following download button which has a link to download FBR SIM Block List. It is a PDF file which you can open in your smart phone or other systems.

Download FBR SIM Block List

Once downloaded, you can use the “Find” feature in the PDF viewer to search for your name or CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) number within the document. The list contains approximately 8,737 pages with names and identity card numbers. To verify your inclusion, ensure that both your name and identity card number match.

If you face difficulty locating your name in the list due to its large size, you may require technical assistance. Experts can help you navigate through the list effectively.

It’s important to note that those listed in the Active Taxpayer List can avoid disconnection of their SIMs by promptly filing their tax returns. If their SIMs are disconnected, they can only be reinstated once their status is updated in the Active Taxpayer List.

If your name is included in the list, you have the option to apply to become a filer by promptly filing your tax returns. Alternatively, you may choose to seek the services of a lawyer or tax professional to assist you in this matter.