Iqama Transfer Fee New Rules 2023

Today, we are back with an important update regarding the Iqama transfer fee new rules 2023. The Iqama transfer process is one of the most challenging processes an immigrant must face. According to the Saudi authority’s rules Nakal Kafala (Kafeel transfer) can be done but if Iqama is expired you will need a new one. In most cases when people visit Absher’s office for Nakal Kafala, they realize that their Iqama expired a long time ago. New Kafeel doesn’t accept your Nakal Kafala because he will have to pay the Iqama renewal fee. On the 9th of June, an update was given stating that in the case of Nakal Kafala old Kafeel is responsible for renewing worker documents and Iqama. We will discuss this update briefly.

Nakal Kafal without Huroob, click here.

Previous Kafeel Will Pay Iqama Renewal Fee:

As per the recent information, if an immigrant Iqama is expired and he’s doing Nakal Kafala, the Iqama renewal payment will be shown in the Qiwa system of old Kafeel. Yes, their system has been updated with this feature and everything is going online. If old Kafeel doesn’t pay the fee shown in Qiwa, he will have to face certain difficulties such as losing the authority of providing a new worker’s visa, being red-listed by the Saudi Government, can’t sign new contracts, and will lose all of the benefits as a Kafeel.

For your information, the fee for Nakal Kafala is increased with every نقل كفاله.

The fee for the Transfer of Sponsorship are the following:

  • The fee for 1st transfer is SR 2,000.
  • The fee for 2nd transfer is SR 4,000.
  • The fee for 3rd transfer onwards is SR 6,000.

Nakal Kafala System Before the Update

If we talk about the old system before the Iqama transfer fee and new rules for 2023. Nakal Kafala was very easy for the previous Kafeel as he doesn’t need to pay any of the Iqama or documents renewal fees. The new Kafeel had to pay all those expenses. This was a big concern for the new Kafeel but now this issue has been resolved. Saudi Government is taking many necessary steps to benefit their economies such as Saudi Vision 2030, banning the Kafeel system, online contracts, and launching the Qiwa website. They have tried their best to favor the foreign workers in the process of Nakal Kafala without Kafeel’s permission. We have already provided a brief article on this topic, if you want to read it please visit this link:


We hope this article was helpful for your understanding. Keep in mind that from now on your old Kafeel is responsible for any expired Iqamas and documents needed to be renewed. Don’t forget to check the other useful articles on our website.

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