The Secret to Rapid Weight Loss That Works Every Time!

Big Give Away– An  E-Book with The Secret to Rapid Weight Loss That Works Every Time!

They’re what your parents use to give you when you missed an easy hole on the mini-golf course. But sadly, with adulthood, comes “grown-up” responsibilities, leaving little to no time for second shots—especially when it comes to your long-term happy weight. Shedding pounds takes countless hours of dedication, so if you’ve already gone through the grind to reach your goal weight, do you really want to do it again? We didn’t think so. You probably want permanent weight loss.

So, go ahead and pat yourself on the back for all that you’ve accomplished. But while you’re at it, why not start thinking about how you’re going to maintain your new body for the long haul? To help make it possible, we’ve come with easy ways for how to lose weight and keep it off permanently!

Pick a few permanent weight loss tips from the list below, stick to ’em like it’s your job, and prepare to stay in your skinny jeans for life. And for some extra motivation, why not check out these 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work?

Within two years of dieting, between 18 and 30 percent of dieters can regain over half the weight they lost, according to research presented at ENDO 2016, the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society. The reason? They all slimmed down with the help of a diet, which by definition is short term and doesn’t produce life long results. To hit your goal weight and stay there, you need to make permanent changes to your lifestyle. Not sure how? Check out these healthy eating habits for some inspiration.

While it’s possible to lose weight without doing a single pushup or burpee, in order to keep it off permanently, physical activity is must, says James O. Hill, PhD, co-founder of the National Weight Control Registry: a 25-year ongoing, prospective investigation of long-term successful weight loss maintenance.

But not all workouts are created equal. Although cardio gets all of the glory, interval and strength training are the real heroes in the world of weight maintenance. These methods of exercise will help you replace flab with hard, sexy muscle which will boost your metabolism and make it easier to keep off those sneaky pounds.

For the best results, do strength or interval training twice a week and aim for an hour of physical activity a day—that could mean walking, swimming or running errands. Just get off your tush and move! Why an hour? The majority of successful losers (90 percent!)who have maintained their weight loss for an average of 5.5 years report moving for about an hour a day, according to the National Weight Control Registry.

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To ensure you fit in those 60 minutes and fit in more daily steps, rethink your commute. On the days that I have to skip the gym, I force myself to walk home from work instead of hopping in a cab or taking the bus. If you drive to work, cycle to the office once a week or park your car further away from the entrance. However you decide to do it, the more steps you take, the better. The majority of people (52 percent) who have lost weight and kept it off report walking for an hour a day, according to an Obesity study. So, fit in those steps wherever you can! And to get more out of each and every stride, check out these tips for walking for weight loss!

Constantly eating when you don’t need the fuel is a major contributor to weight gain. Before you pop something into your mouth, ask yourself why you’re eating. (We’re lookin’ at you Ms. Office Candy Bowl.) Are you actually hungry or are you just angry, stressed, anxious, or bored? If it’s any of the latter feelings, healthy snacks like carrot sticks and apples won’t seem appealing. If you’re not hungry enough to eat a plant, vow to not eat anything at all.

Recent Cornell University findings suggest that shying away from the scale can cause those former pounds to sneak back onto your frame—not what you want! According to senior author David Levitsky, people who weigh themselves daily and track the results are more likely to lose weight and keep it off than those who check in less often. The method “forces you to be aware of the connection between your eating and your weight,” Levitsky said in a press statement. “The scale also acts as a priming mechanism, making you conscious of food and enabling you to make choices that are consistent with your weight.” For even more ways to shrink your gut, check out these best weight loss tips.

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