Jobs in Poland

Jobs in Poland

The following jobs vacancies are available at Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment right now through overseas employment promoters. Please be careful while making any type of payment to these promoters and get receipts of every payment if any. We are sharing only for informational purposes.

10 Welders required in Poland, salary: 550 – 1500 Euro (EUR)

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10 Upholsterers required in Poland, salary: 550 – 910 Euro (EUR)

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10 Iron Smelters required in Poland, salary: 550 – 1080 Euro (EUR)

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10 Seamstresses required in Poland, salary: 550 – 910 Euro (EUR)

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10 Polishers required in Poland, salary: 550 – 910 Euro (EUR)

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10 Carpenters required in Poland, salary: 550 – 910 Euro (EUR)

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10 Production Workers required in Poland, salary: 550 – 780 Euro (EUR)

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click this “Apply Now” button, it will take you to official website of Pakistani government where you will find more details about job. By clicking title of any job at government website, you will find information about the overseas employment promoters who are providing these jobs. you have to contact them through email or phone number which are available in the description of jobs at website of Bureau of Emigration and overseas employment.